We Treat Neck Pain, Back Pain and Sciatica caused by Bulging/Herniated Discs, Degenerative Disc Disease, Facet Syndrome, Failed Back Surgery and more.
Get Fast,
Lasting Relief

A New Technology that Can Provide Fast, Lasting Relief from Chronic Back Pain, Neck Pain and Sciatica without Drugs or Surgery - Even in Severe Cases.

At your initial visit to Carolina Spine and Disc Center, you will receive a complete evaluation by Dr. Smith.
Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy is used to reduce compression and irritation to nerves caused by disc and joint disorders. For many patients it offers a safe, pain-free, and non-surgical solution to chronic spinal conditions.
Our physical therapist will work with you on a treatment plan. The goals are to help your joints move better and to restore or increase your flexibility, strength, endurance, coordination, and/or balance. Moreover, physical therapy is not just for treatment of low back pain and neck pain. Physical therapy can provide relief for shoulder, ankle, knee, and many other regions of the body.
The treatment involves identifying the source of the pain and advancing a small filament needle into the related muscles, eliciting a small twitch response and then relaxing the muscle. The identification and stimulation of these trigger points can “reboot” or “reset” the muscle to alleviate both the original problem area as well as secondary pain.

We go beyond your pain. We want to help you reclaim your life and enjoy what you love to do again!
Dr. Tyler Smith
Physicial Therapist
Dr. Tyler Smith, PT, brings a variety of experiences to Carolina Spine and Disc Center.
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11618 US Hwy Business 70 W. Suite #106, Clayton, NC 27520
hours: Mon & Wed 10:00am-7:30pm Tue & Thu 7:30am-5:00pmFri 7:30am-12:30pm