We Treat Neck Pain, Back Pain and Sciatica Caused by Bulging/Herniated Discs, Degenerative Disc Disease, Facet Syndrome, Failed Back Surgery and more.
Carolina Spine and Disc Center is like no other for pain relief. From its experienced and compassionate doctorate-level physical therapist, to its state-of-the-art equipment, no detail has been overlooked in providing the highest quality back and neck care in central North Carolina. The environment here is one of hope, comfort, action and a sense of purpose. Everyone makes you feel part of the family as you get one-on-one attention. As soon as you enter our office, you will notice the positive energy in the air - you can't help but start to feel better!
Don't live with pain if you suffer from:
Back Pain
Neck Pain
Sciatic Leg Pain
Spine-Related Arthritis
Foraminal or Spinal Stenosis
Herniated or Bulging Discs
Facet Joint Pain
Degenerative Disc Disease
Shoulder Pain
Knee Pain
Ankle Pain
Schedule an appointment today and start to feel better!
Fast, Lasting Relief Unlike Anything You've Ever Experienced.
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression, also known as Spinal Decompression is effective in treating back pain, neck pain, and sciatica caused by bulging, herniated, and degenerative discs and facet syndrome.
Even post-surgical patients and those suffering from certain types of stenosis (a narrowing of the spinal canal) have reported significant pain relief from NSSD treatments. So, if you are suffering from chronic neck or low back pain, now there's hope for lasting relief with NON-SURGICAL Spinal Decompression!